• E-magazines – great news for travellers!

    I have been approached by e-magazine website Zinio who asked if I would like to give readers a chance to win a subscription to one of their titles completely for free. Well, how could I not? Personally I love escaping into a glossy magazine. E-magazines are great news for both travellers and those dreaming of travelling. Seasoned travellers will remember spending hours devoted to optimistically searching book swap shops in distant lands for new reading material, often only to find trashy romantic novels and lame thrillers. Dreamers need something inspiring to read on their daily commute! Downloading the Zinio app opens the door to a host of magazine titles that…

  • Capture the Colour of Western Australia

    This year for Capture the Colour I have decided to celebrate Western Australia, which is where I live at the moment. Some may see this as a limitation but I choose to see it as a challenge. Not that it makes things especially difficult; Western Australia is an extraordinary state, home to vastly contrasting landscapes, magical experiences and definitely plenty of colour. Blue Esperance lies at the east end of the southern coast of WA. The Esperance coastline is magnificent and just about every imaginable shade of blue. This photograph is the view over West Beach in spring. Red I love red earth and WA has plenty. It is especially…

  • Free things to do in Melbourne

    Melbourne is a great city with all sorts of things available to keep visitors busy. Melbourne can satisfy most general interests and even offer specific subjects such as immigration history and digital culture. Here are the top things to do in Melbourne that are completely free. Admire Melbourne architecture Melbourne prides itself on being the artistic and cultural capital of Australia. Nowhere is this more evident than in the blending of old and new architecture across the city. Striking juxtapositions present themselves such as 19th century St Paul’s Cathedral and the very modern-looking Australian Centre for the Moving Image just across Flinders Street. Flinders Street Station (pictured above) was also…

  • Top Shark Diving Destinations

    Diving with sharks is the ultimate dream for most scuba divers. As the apex predator of the oceans, sharks command a lot of respect and getting up close and personal with them is a truly incredible experience. Shark-diving in the Bahamas Divers are spoilt for shark encounters in the Bahamas. Caribbean Reef Sharks are everywhere (some of them surprisingly large) but there is also a host of other shark species that are fairly common around the islands including hammerheads, nurse sharks, lemon sharks, tiger sharks and silky sharks. Whale sharks in Australia There are a few locations that boast regular visits from Whale Sharks but nowhere seems as reliable as…

  • Mermaids – making a splash in the Philippines

    What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done on your travels recently? Ever wish you were a mermaid when you were a child? In the Philippines recently a friend and I came across a business hiring mermaid tails. It looked fun and, as it turns out, was too daft an opportunity to pass up on. Getting our mermaid on (literally) We were prepared to leave our dignity at the door as we indulged ourselves in our mermaid fantasies. It didn’t take long. The woman in the shop took one look at us both and proclaimed we would need size large. Getting into the tails was the first challenge. We walked across the…

  • You CAN afford to travel – here is how

    Many people want to travel but hold back from accomplishing their travel dreams because they are scared they cannot afford to travel. A bit of careful financial planning goes a long way to allay these fears. Here are my tips for saving as much as you can, as fast as possible. There are that many travel options these days that I really believe where there is a will there is a way. I think the key to travelling in a way you are financially comfortable with is to do a bit of research and then have a realistic think about what you are happy spending. Don’t worry if it is…

  • The French Market of New Orleans

    The French Market in New Orleans is the oldest marketplace in the USA. It is stuffed full of fascinating finds and lively people. It is one of my favourite markets for its diversity and spirit. It is definitely a market worth visiting. Just inland from the Mississippi River, the French Market forms the heart of the French Quarter, and arguably New Orleans. The marketplace was originally a Native American trading post, back in the late 1700s, which is why it has such a long history. Among the stalls the market also features the New Orleans Visitor Centre and several cafes and bars. All sorts of things can be bought in…

  • The things I love about Australia, and the things I don’t

    Australia is a great place to live and work. Australia offers a great standard of living and is so vast there is a climate to suit everyone. As with everywhere however, some bits are less great. Here are the things I love about Australia and the things I don’t. Things I love about Australia ‘Fair go’ thinking Australia is a country of immigrants. Aside from the native aboriginals everyone else has come here from somewhere else and this makes Australians a diverse bunch. Australian society, as a result, is multicultural and lives by the principle of giving everyone a fair go. If you say you are capable of something you…

  • Bali’s Best bits

    Beautiful Bali offers such a diverse and colourful experience. It is a humble and friendly island offering warm interactions, epic adventures, spiritualism and scenic surroundings. Bali is far more than just an inexpensive escape for Aussies. Balinese culture Dance plays a significant part in Balinese storytelling. The costumes and the bewitching movements that feature in traditional dance performances are fascinating to watch. A popular dance explaining Bali’s respect for both good and bad spirits is the Barong dance. Click here to read more about it. Scenery Bali is referred to as ‘The Island of the Gods’ and it is certainly worthy of the title. The beautiful island is full of…

  • Cycling Adventure on Rottnest Island

    Never was I more grateful for being taught how to ride a bicycle than when I arrived on Rottnest Island and realised there were no private vehicles (and few public transport options). My friend said we’d take bicycles and explore the tiny island on two wheels. It sounded good. I am easily lured to places that offer an encounter with an interesting animal, especially one that is new to me and furry. Rottnest is famous as one of the few remaining places quokkas thrive, due to a lack of predators. These little marsupials look like a big-bottomed rat and I was keen to see them. As we wheeled our bikes…