Spanish Supermarket Giggles
Having arrived in Spain late last night, there was nothing much in the flat to eat today, so a foray to the supermercado was a priority. A foreign supermarket always interests me. I enjoy exploring daily norms overseas, not to mention having a giggle at some of the strange and sometimes unfortunate names given to some of the products. Here are a few such amusements I came across today:
The washing powder called ‘Colon’ (above) was too funny. What inspired that name I wonder? Actually, I hate to think.

Call me immature but yes, I find a brand of biscuits called ‘Bimbo’ amusing

And ‘Bonka’ coffee was just a bit too ‘Willie Wonka’ to ignore!

Excellent ! A deep down clean for the first one? The second ones make your boobs bigger? The third one doesn’t inspire me, sorry!
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Ewww Anne! I giggled around that supermarket!
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Colon is actually Coulmbus in Spanish…(Cristobal Colon)..that is where they probably got the idea..discover a new Clean Wash!!!heheh and..Bonka and Bimbo defenitely belong together!!!
Hi Miguelito – Thanks for explaining the ‘colon’ I certainly didn’t know that! As for Bonka and Bimbo, who knows?!
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