Expat Life – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Expat life is vastly different from visiting somewhere as a tourist. Tourists enjoy the best of places but rarely experience the difficulties that expats face. Daily life, encountering and rising to the challenges, as well as enjoying the highlights of life overseas can be very rewarding, but it can take time.
The Good

And now for something completely different
Expats live in a different country from their country of origin. As such, those choosing to live as expats are often seeking something different. It may be different weather, a different language, or different food. It may be simply for the challenge of being outside their comfort zone. Whatever the reason, expats embrace change.
Learning about another part of the world
One of the largest changes to daily life is often caused when there is a difference of culture. Cultural difference can be enormous and sometimes challenging. However, I enjoy discovering and learning about the small cultural changes from place to place. When I lived in Turkey I quickly became used to the generosity of the people. Wherever you go, you are offered at least a drink. Should you call at someone’s house while they are eating you are offered some and they are very insistent. Growing up in the UK however, I would feel embarrassed if I interrupted someone’s meal. Funny the difference, isn’t it?
Discovering new Brands and Products
It is not just cultural experiences that differ, but every new country brings new ‘stuff’. I love exploring local shops and supermarkets whenever I arrive somewhere new and trying to work out what is actually in the packets on the shelves before me. Everywhere I have been I have always fallen in love with something new. In France I love the salt with herbs mixed in. In Barbados it was Cadbury rum n raisin chocolate bars. In Turkey I became addicted to cherry juice. In Australia I have fallen for Milo, hard.
The Bad

Being sick in a foreign land
Being ill is never fun, especially, if like me, you get grumpy and would rather the world just left you alone to recover. Try being sick in another country where you don’t have all the over the counter remedies that you know and understand. I remember it being especially frightening in Turkey, where until I had learnt enough Turkish to understand it for myself, I simply had to trust people that whatever medicine I had been given in the pharmacy, was what I thought I had asked for.
Confusing Labelling of similar products
Everyone has a few favourite recipes that they proudly make from time to time, or perhaps live off! But when you are somewhere other than where the recipe was devised, you cannot necessarily find all the exact ingredients. Take my recent attempt to make Chocolate Mousse, for example. I needed ‘thickened cream’ and bought something labelled ‘thickened cream’ in the Australian supermarket, only to find it to be the runniest and least whippable cream I have ever encountered. Whipping cream for over an hour, by hand with a fork? Very dull indeed.
Time Differences
Being an expat invariably means spending time apart from your family and friends. These days, with the development of new technologies such as Skype, this is nowhere near as difficult as previously. However, the time differences cannot be escaped. When I lived in the Bahamas by the time I got home from work and wanted to talk to a mate, Europe was asleep. Nowadays, living in Australia, I find that I have to be a night owl if I want to talk ‘live’ to friends, as Europe is still sleeping at lunchtime and most people are still at work when I am going to bed.

The Ugly
Not everyone chooses to live their life as an expat, but I do. Personally I love living overseas and getting to know and understand different cultures. The day I wake up unhappy with my life I will change it. I will not whinge about it. I love to embrace the different experiences of expat life and I don’t enjoy seeing expats resisting local norms and trying to make their new home like their old home with little or no sensitivity to local beliefs and culture. A classic example I have observed was some British people living in a tiny village in Turkey demanding that the volume of the call to prayer sounding from the mosque be turned down. I found that very embarrassing and felt tempted to ask them if perhaps Turkey was not the right country for them?

Expat life comes with many challenges but also brings a wealth of experiences that you couldn’t get any other way. I find it really interesting and rewarding. How about you?

I definitely agree that being sick while living abroad is the worst! I never feel more homesick than when I’m sick. I just want some medicine I understand (and not some weird Chinese medicine that is supposed to cure my “heat wind”… seriously, that’s what they gave me when I had a respiratory infection) and family around to feel sorry for me (that’s what they’re there for, right?)
My recent post 5 Travel Mistakes I Make Over and Over Again
Roy Marvelous
Definitely agree. Especially when you don’t know where to go to find a doctor!
My recent post The Truth Of What I’m Doing In Riga
Being sick is rubbish anyway, but it is the worst thing ever in a new place!
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I normally enjoy the oddities and confusion created by different languages, but illness and medicine is one area where I do not! Hope you are fully recovered from your “Heat wind” now – sounds nasty!
My recent post Kayakoy – The Gemstone of South West Turkey
“Tourists enjoy the best of places but rarely experience the difficulties that expats face.” So true! When my (Italian) husband and I answer peoples’ questions about why we choose Ireland over Italy, we generally say, “Italy is a great place to visit, but not to live.” Holidays often give an entirely different impression of a place than living there.
I was really grateful for the opportunity to live in Italy for 3 years. It was a great introduction to just how different life can be in another country. Italy, especially southern Italy, is quite different from the rest of Europe. In many ways, it has more things in common with Africa. I’m really glad it was my first expat experience. And yet, I’m also glad to be living in a place that is more like home in many ways. Still different, still learning, and still looking forward to further travel and expat adventures. 😀
Thanks for this post. I think I need to share this with some folks!
My recent post Where Do I Find Me a Drunk Maya God?
I’m sure any Italian readers happening across this post will be horrified that you felt Italy was like Africa! Thanks for your story though – I love hearing about other people’s experiences.
My recent post The wonderful whale sharks of Ningaloo
Great post that does talk about both sides of being an expat. I think a lot of times things that a tourist thinks is cute and quaint and lovely — “Oh look! To buy something at a department store we have to stand in 5 different lines and then they give us a gift wrapped package!” turns into something annoying when you live in a place — “ARGH. WHY DOES IT TAKE ME 30 MINUTES TO PAY FOR A FORK. I don’t want it gift wrapped!!!”
Beautiful post. Knowing the good and the bad of the unknown!
My recent post Cruising After the Cruise Season Peak
@Kyle – I think that is very true. ‘Holiday thinking’ is a lot more patient than ‘every day’ thinking afterall!
@Sailor – Thanks for cruising by ;o)
My recent post Delicious Brittany
I like this post a lot. I have been in places very different between each other, or also places that you would consider close to your culture but they are not at all once you get to know them better. But also, it is amazing to find similarities from home when you are abroad. It happened to me ad an Italian currently living in Egypt! The key, I think, is to feel home everywhere you are. This doesn’t mean I live in Cairo as if I were still in Italy, but I can still organize my life in a comfortable way for me, get used to different habits and culture, and still feel at home, and not a foreigner. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Missing friends and fam is a hard one. Most of my friends back “home” are suffering hard from the recession, so they don’t have funds to visit which makes it even harder.
Getting sick in Costa Rica is not bad (I hope I didn’t just jinx myself!!!!). It’s easier to get medicine and for $15 I can walk in and see a private doc immediately and get a shot of antibiotics in my butt if I have some sort of infection. They even make me a cup of tea 🙂
Using the public health system is a different story, but with patience everything turns out fine.
My recent post Photo: The OMFG Sunset
@Greta When you feel ‘at home’ rather than ‘a foreigner’ you are doing well! ;o) I agree, it is sometimes amazing how different, places that you imagined to be similar, can be.
@Erin Being in Australia (with a lot of my friends in Europe) I can totally understand the difficulties of missing people ‘back home’ It is very expensive to travel here from Europe and don’t get me started on the time difference! Keep up the butt shots (though I hope you don’t need too many!)
My recent post London’s Burning
Cyra Miles
Great post! Sometimes it takes time to embrace and to adapt a new culture.
My recent post Etihad Airlines Travel Policy for Expectant Mothers
Thanks Cyra! Yes adapting to a new culture definitely takes time, but in my opinion, is totally worth it.
My recent post Pop into Port Douglas
Turkey's For Life
What a coincidence you should refer to the unhappy British expats of Turkey trying to change things. For us, the one good thing to come out of all that for us is that those people responsible for the birth of our all-things-positive blog! 🙂
My recent post Whirling Dervishes – Ramazan in Fethiye
I’m glad something fantastic could come out of something ugly Julia! ;o)
My recent post Magical Mont St Michel
I am puzzled about the cream! I expect that kind of thing here in Asia but imagined Australia would not be so different. Interesting.
I never expected to have difficulties with cream either. Australian food is not so different from European that I imagined it would be fraught with such culinary dangers!
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Bobbi Lee Hitchon
Great article! I definitely agree-it’s not easy to expat! But well worth all the bad and the ugly!
My recent post Finding work in a new town
What a great way to put it Bobbi – Thanks!
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Jack Scott
I call expats here in Turkey ’emigreys’, a collection of the sad, the glad, the mad and the bad.
My recent post The Knowledge
Hehe! Aren’t you an emigrey yourself though Jack?
My recent post Australia’s Mental Magpies
I’m so thrilled that I stumbled upon your blog from a Twitter post! I’m an expat as well, an American in the UK, and am brand-spanking new to the entire experience. I find it so comforting to read your stuff and see that the experiences I’m having are not unique and *are* handle-able. I keep finding myself in positions where I get this ‘deer in the headlights’ expression because I have no idea how to respond to something, and the moment I have a spare minute I rush online to find out if anyone else has had the panic… I’m really glad to know that I’m not alone. 🙂
Thanks for your wonderful words of wisdom!
Kate http://ukate.wordpress.com/
Hi Kate – I’m thrilled to have been able to provide you with some reassurance! Enjoy getting the hang of the UK ;o)
My recent post Guide to Expat Living in Turkey
Really great post, loved it! When I was living in Denmark, I remember being on a hunt for peroxide, with which no-one could help me. They had no idea what peroxide was, which amazed me…and years later, I’m still not sure what they use instead there. I just went without, used soap. You adjust to your surroundings, and I feel like that’s what living in new places is all about – embracing new culture, and learning to understand (and thrive in) a different system.
It’s clear that those people in the Turkish village should’ve chosen a better country…hearing the call to prayer is one of my favorite parts of being in Turkey – and clearly a huge part of their culture – a part that needs not be changed by the demands of visiting foreigners.
*just a note… you whipped cream by hand, with a fork? I think that’s insane, even with thickened/heavy cream.
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Thanks Katrina – I think expat life is definitely better suited to some people than others for the reasons you put forward. Attempting to whip cream with a fork is insane and leads to sloppy chocolate mousse – I don’t advise it!
My recent post Traveller Karma
Like your blog see http://www.englishdadinmoscow.com/ from a fellow expat
My recent post New arrivals to Moscow
Hi Jay – thanks for stopping by. Moscow must be fascinating.
My recent post Consumerism and Travellers
I can’t tell the difference between Marmite and Vegemite but eating the beloved Aussie version is like flying the Australian flag out of your kitchen window.
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Hi Tracey – have you had the British marmite? It has a much sharper taste than the stuff sold in Australia. Perhaps that is why you can’t tell the difference. Personally I love both!
My recent post Mother’s Day – the ultimate expat trap
I enjoyed this post a lot – new food and exploring new parts of the culture are my favourite things about expat life here in South Korea! I can’t believe that some British expats complained about the volume of the call to prayer in Turkey – I’m embarrassed for my homeland!
Hi Tom – Can you imagine how embarassed I was to be British , with all that going on? Thanks for stopping by.
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vagabondete mandy
I just had this conversation with a friend. They didn’t see the difference between being a traveler and being an expat and I had to explain that they’re really very different. They both present unique challenges and rewards. I’ve been an expat for the last 3.5 years, I’m excited to become a traveler again.
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Hi Mandy – They are very different situations definitely. It is common for people to think expat life is just an extended holiday but, although I love living as an expat, it is really just normal life in another location. I enjoy the challenges and opportunities that presents, but many people decide it is not for them, Hope you have a good trip!
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I agree with everything but to me living abroad is so much more exciting that living at home. Being uncomfortable helps me stay alive and active! I get such a rush when I go outside. http://thenomadcooks.blogspot.nl/
Hi there – Thanks for popping by. I really enjoy the new discoveries that you meet each day while living life in a foreign language and new surroundings too!
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Lisa @chickybus
Excellent write-up re: ex-pat life! I’ve done it twice–in two very different countries: Ecuador and Spain (Barcelona). Strangely enough, the one that was was more challenging (Ecuador) was a more rewarding experience. It was back when there was no Internet there and almost none here and cell phones and regular phone calls were cost-prohibitive. Therefore, I felt completely unplugged and off the grid–and frankly, a bit isolated. I missed my friends and family a lot. But I also lived life in the moment in a way that’s nearly impossible to do now.
I’ll always be grateful for that experience.
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Hi Lisa – I think the most challenging situations are the ones that we grow the most from, like your experience with Ecuador. We didn’t have internet on phones when I started travelling but most people had mobile phones. I remember frequenting lots of internet cafes to numb the isolated feeling from time to time!
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