Good News!
Last week this blog was a bit of a sad place, but this week I am pleased to report that I have received only heart-warming news.
One door closes
As they say, when one door closes, another one opens. Last week Tipsy’s life ended but little Lola’s began. One of my best friends back home had her first baby at the weekend and although I would love to be more local so that I could meet the little lady (or not so little as it turns out – my poor friend just had a 9 lb 1 oz baby!) I am really delighted at the news.
Hearts a flutter
Other news I have had this week is that another dear friend has apparently met the most wonderful man and is madly in love and sickeningly happy. I am not celebrating this because she has some sort of spinster background, but because she has been brave enough to face some tough relationship decisions in the past and like most of us I suppose, she has been hurt. I am genuinely excited for her.
The world keeps turning
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by sad news, but this week the world has reminded me that life goes on by only providing me with happy news, well, except on Wednesday evening when my new blender blew up, but that’s another story.
Sometimes, as an expat, you can feel like you are missing out when you get happy news from back home, especially if you are not quite settled where you are. But after last week’s news (which you can read about here) I am just glad the news is good.
Now, are good things like buses and they come in threes? If so, I wonder which one of you lucky readers is going to tell me some more fantastic news!
Photo credit: Peter Parker

Emma Christchurch NZ
I am waiting for some good news and while I am waiting I decided to count my blessings.I got as far as my children and my beautiful husband….I off to cook supper.I shall continue for No 2 later,watch this space.
Hi Emma – I can’t wait to hear from you again!
My recent post Expat repatriated (temporarily)