Australian Big Things 2
So, perhaps it was obvious, but it turns out one post about Australia’s big things is simply not enough. Australia is a huge country, and shows off about how big it is by scattering large objects across the place, in a fashion I’m certain more densely populated nations envy.
Australia is a land that embraces the fun and the quirky, especially when it can be made enormous. The big things celebrate and promote features of local life and landscape. From prawns and guitars to bananas and wombats, and all sorts of things in between, Australia’s big things have developed a bit of a cult following. They are certainly a feature of Australian roadtrips. Here is my second post about Australian big things (perhaps it should become a series?) Read my original post about Australian big things here.
Banana, Coffs Harbour NSW
Constructed in 1964, the big banana at Coffs Harbour was one of Australia’s first big things. The 11 metre-long banana was originally created to attract passersby to a roadside stand selling bananas. The big banana has become a celebration of the local banana growing industry. While also offering information about the banana industry, the big banana is now the icon of an amusement park offering entertainment such as banana plantation tours, ice-skating and a waterslide. The park promises a ‘whole bunch of fun’.

Golden Guitar, Tamworth NSW
What could be a better symbol for Australia’s home of country music than a 12 metre high golden guitar? The symbolic guitar stands rather incongruously between a KFC and a McDonalds, outside the Tamworth Visitor Centre on the southern side of town. It was constructed in 1988 and is a giant replica of statues awarded to musicians at an annual music competition in town, which is also why the big guitar has no strings.

The Big Tomato, Gunnedah NSW
In the heart of a fertile agricultural region in northern New South Wales, Gunnedah is a town famous for tomatoes. The town holds a national tomato competition, where entrants compete their produce for much coveted prizes.

Galah, Kimba SA
One of my favourite big things is the big galah at Kimba. Pretty in pink, and googly of eyes, the characterful galah was built in 1993. It is 8 metres tall and stands outside a family-run bakery selling a few snacks and an eclectic mix of other things including semi precious stones and souvenirs. The galah is said to mark the halfway point between Australia’s east and west coasts

The Big Wombat, SA
In the heart of wombat country, the big wombat strays from tradition and is not standing on the edge of a busy main road. The wombat was a community project, built by the Scotdesco Aboriginal community, between Penong and Fowlers Bay, near Ceduna. It is not gigantic, at around 2.5 metres tall, but is still significantly larger than the average wombat.

Whale, Nullarbor Roadhouse SA
The Nullarbor is famous for it’s vast emptiness and lack of wildlife (or any life at all really), but this is not quite the case. The road traces along cliff edges along the southern coastline of Australia, and the Great Australian Bight. The Bight is a popular breeding ground for Southern Right Whales and Humpbacks during the winter months (May – October), and this large whale at the Nullarbor Roadhouse celebrates these visitors (just a few kilometres from a whale viewing area at the Head of Bight).

Kangaroo, Border Village WA
Rooey II waves a can of soft drink at travellers crossing between WA and SA, at the Border Village crossing. Apparently Rooey I held a can of beer, but it was believed this gave the wrong message to visitors, so his drink was replaced. The kangaroo is about five metres tall, and lurking in the kangaroo’s pouch is a fun Kodak moment.

The big whale, Eucla WA
Arriving at Eucla, you are greeted by Eucla’s lager loving whale. Visitors to Eucla stay at the Eucla Roadhouse, which apparently is the largest on the Nullarbor, and the large Moby Dick style whale is just across the road.

Camels, Norseman WA
In WA outback town Norseman, and in the centre of the main town roundabout, is a group of corrugated tin camels. The camels pay tribute to the significant role camels had in the establishment of the town. Norseman’s ‘ships of the desert’ (camels) were used to transport materials and workers involved with the installation of the east-west telegraph line in the late 1800s.

Have you been to any of Australia’s big things? Which ones and what did you think?
Did you see my first post about Australia’s big things? (Yes, there’s more!) Read it here.