My Dad – My Travel Hero
My parents are travellers. Not the strange hippy kind but the curious-about-the-world type. Travelling is something that always interested Dad especially. From a young age he was curious, taking part in his school exchange to Germany as a gawky teenager and later spending his gap year in Swaziland (in the 1960s when gap years were far less common than they are now). My parents met and I was born in Luxembourg, while they were both expats there. I blame them both for my nomadic streak!
From a young age, my brother and I were taken abroad as our parents explored the world. Thanks to them I have fond childhood memories of chasing fish whilst snorkelling in the Caribbean and ice creams after dinner in Portugal (as well as less fond memories of getting stung on the bum by a wasp in Ibiza and various arguments with my brother in the back of the car).

Dad and I shared a passion for Edith Piaf’s music, which helped me learn French and while I was learning Spanish at school, Dad took some classes too.
When the conversation came up, Dad encouraged me to have a gap year. Unable to conceal his own passion for travelling, he told me what he could about the places I wanted to go to that he had already visited and would always tell me if something of interest appeared in the media. We developed a little competition between us to find the least tasteful souvenir possible to present each other with whenever we next saw each other. Memorable gems include a mini statue of the Mannekin Pis in Brussels, a large fat sprawling wooden hippo from Kenya and a rocket inside a snowglobe from NASA’s Kennedy Space centre.

I was soon living overseas and while Dad worked in Barbados, he frequently visited Nassau and we managed to see each other more frequently again. I later found work in Barbados and lived with Dad again, sharing rum-fuelled catamaran trips whenever we could.
Although based back in the UK recently, Mum and Dad kept exploring the world whenever they could. They enjoyed quick trips in Europe but also far flung destinations such as South Africa and Australia.

However Dad’s journeying days ended abruptly in 2010 when he died of malignant melanoma. I think of him all the time of course, but especially on his birthday, I celebrate him, his travels and the travelling he has inspired me to do.
My Dad is my travel hero – who is yours?

Such a nice post! It’s so great that you were able to share many great traveling moments with your dad and that you’ll have those happy memories forever. 🙂
Hi Kieron – Thanks. And yes, I am lucky to have so many happy memories of my travels with Dad.
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What a great post. Your dad sounds like a great guy. My parents were not the traveling types. At most, we took some smaller family vacations to nearby states in the US and Canada, but that was about it. And we only went to Canada because it was within driving distance. I had to save my international traveling for later in life.
By the way, I love that you like Edith Piaf. I started listening to her a few years ago and she has some really good songs.
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Thanks Steve – Piaf is great -eh?!
I love this. My parents are huge travelers, having been to all seven continents at least 3 times (except Antarctica- only there once). I think sometimes my mom regrets having passed along the insatiable travel obsession to me, but that can’t be helped.
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Hi Erik – My Mum wisely said to me recently that having introduced me to travel as a child, she can’t very well argue when I choose to continue to travel, even if it means going a long time without seeing each other. Skype is the answer!
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Love this post! Aren’t dads great! My dad hasn’t travelled much but I know he wants to. Whenever I come back from a trip he spends hours looking through my photos and was the only reader of my blog for about 6 months!
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Thanks Monica – My Dad was always keen to share photos too!
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